Sunday, June 06, 2004

In memory of all the women of Ciudad Juarez Posted by Hello

Wednesday, June 02, 2004

Women are being incarcerated in record numbers ...

Women are being incarcerated in record numbers. There are over 90,000 women in prison in the United States today. Most of these women are incarcerated for convictions that are nonviolent and are considered “ poverty crimes” such as, check forgery and unauthorized credit card use. 92% of women in prison in the United States report that they had an income under 10,000 dollars before they were incarcerated.
DC Prisioners' Legal Service Project

More facts ..

Ciuda Juarez, intolerable killings

According to information received by Amnesty International, in the last 10 years approximately 370 women have been murdered of which at least 137 were sexually assaulted prior to death. Furthermore, 75 bodies have still not been identified. Some of them may be those of women who have been reported missing but this has been impossible to confirm because there is insufficient evidence by which to identify them.

For more ...
Amnesty International, Ciudad Juarez

Casa Amiga