Monday, January 16, 2006

1/26: Upcoming Panel: Women's Health at Risk

Discussion Panel
Women's Health at Risk: The Far-reaching Impact of Violence

Please join Amnesty International's DC Women's Human Rights Action Team, our distinguished speakers, and members of the community for a discussion panel on the impact of violence on women's health. Speakers will discuss women's human rights violations currently taking place in Guatemala, the Democratic Republic of Congo, and Sudan which include the systematic sexual violence, rape and murder of girls and women. Speakers will link these forms of violence with women's health and will discuss ways in which their organizations and partners are working to improve women's health and human rights.

Speakers include:
Carrie Stengel, Program Coordinator at the Guatemala Human Rights Commission/USA
Sarah Martin, Advocate at Refugees International
Ariela Blätter, Director of Crisis Prevention and Response at Amnesty International USA

When: Thursday 26 January 2006 at 6:30pm
Where: The Community Room at 400 Massachusetts Avenue NW
Metros: Chinatown and Judiciary Square

Light Refreshments will be provided

Please RSVP to Rachel ( by the morning of Wednesday 26 January 2006.
For further directions, please email Rachel.

Monday, January 09, 2006

DC WHRAT monthly meeting January 11th, 7pm

Please join us for our monthly meeting this Wednesday 11 January 2006 at 7pm. We will discuss upcoming events and how the team wishes to get involved, and participate in an action for Guatemala. The meeting will be held at the Amnesty International office (600 Pennsylvania Avenue SE, metro Eastern Market).

Meeting agenda:

--Plan a fundraiser/happy hour for February--Discuss Internation Women's Day activities (dancing and performance art)--Discuss topics for next teach-in and vote

--Domestic Violence panel: scheduled for January 25th or 26th

--April 28-30th: Amnesty International conference

--April is Sexual Assault Awareness month: discuss participation

--International Women's Day event

--Movie: Señorita Extravaganza: Discuss viewing it in group

--Action around Amnesty's Guatemala report; summary of report provided and letters will be written

Please remember: Wednesday 11 January 2006 at 7pm (DC WHRAT general business first) Amnesty International Office (600 Pennsylvania Avenue SE) Eastern Market Metro For more information please email Rachel Kaufman at