Sunday, July 18, 2004

dc-whrat invites you to our fundraising 80's Pride Prom

Get yourself a really nice and impressing fancy dress and join dc-whrat for our 80's Pride Prom, July 25that 8:00 pm (at the Velvet Lounge, 915 U Street NWWashington, DC).

Take this opportunity to have fun for a good cause, tosocialize and to learn about dc-whrat and what you can do to make a difference !

dcwhrat August meeting!

Want to be an activist for women’s human rights?
Then please join the Amnesty International USAWashington DC Women’s Human RightsAction Team WEDNESDAY, August 17th at Teaism (400 8th Street NW, Washington DC, more about Teaism for our monthly meeting!
TheAction Team is a group of community activists dedicated to advancing women’s human rights, focusingspecifically on issues surrounding violence againstwomen on a local, national and international level.We look forward to welcoming new members, and seeing those of you who have joined us in the past.
TIME: 7:00 PM, 6:45 PM for new members
FURTHER INFORMATION: Please call (202) 544-0200, ext.482 ore-mail: