Monday, February 07, 2005

Upcoming Conference

The 12th Annual American University Conference on Lavender Languages and Linguistics, Feburary 11-13, 2005

Since the first Lav Lgs conference in 1993, common themes in conference discussion have been two-fold: how lesbians, gay men, bisexuals, transgendered persons and queers use language in everyday life, and how language gets used against us by others.
Unlike the case at the larger professional meetings, Lav Lgs program is organized to facilitate face-to-face conversation and to allow discussion to continue throughout the three-day conference period. Indeed, participants work hard each year to maintain a non-attitude environment at all conference events, thereby enabling conversations between established scholars and those just beginning to explore lavender language interests, and between academics, public intellectuals and community activists. Conflicting points of view about language, gender and sexuality often arise during these discussions, but conference participants are not demeaned or devalued in order to secure such exchange.

Registration is $10 for employed persons, and $5 for students, those between jobs, and others with limited income. Preregistration is not required.
Conference registration and all conference activities take place on the 6th floor of the Butler Pavilion and in the Mary Graydon Center nearby. The Butler Pavilion and the MGC are fully accessible conference facilities.

For the program, abstracts and more info, visit the website: