Congress is about to adjourn for the year and they still haven't reauthorized the Violence Against Women Act. In order to ensure that no funding is lost for the domestic violence and sexual assault programs and services that depend on VAWA, it needs to be voted on before the end of the year - basically this week!
You can help by signing onto Amnesty International USA's petition or by calling your congress members directly. To find your MemberÂs contact information, including phone and fax numbers, visit,, or call the U.S. Capitol Switchboard at (202) 224-3121 and ask for your Senators and Representative.
Yesterday, a group of people representing AIUSA (including Marla and myself from the action team), Girls Inc., NOW, and Break the Cycle delivered over 100,000 petitions to key members of congress. My arms are still sore from lugging the huge binders of signatures around all afternoon. The highlight of my day was swiping a Little Debbie snack from Bill Frist's lobby -it's the little things in life . . . The real high point of the day for me was meeting the people behind the scenes (the government relations folks at NOW, AIUSA, Girls Inc., and Break the Cycle as well as the congressional staffers) who have been working so hard to get VAWA reauthorized.
I should have pictures to post soon - Janel